Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

PCE Instruments

PCE Instruments (PCE) is an international supplier of test instruments, tools and equipment for measuring, weighing and control systems. Founded by German engineers nearly two decades ago, PCE offers more than 500 test instruments with applications in industrial engineering and process control, manufacturing quality assurance, scientific research, trade industries and beyond. PCE’s large test instrument portfolio includes handheld, desktop, portable or fixed-installation sensors, meters, gauges, scales, analyzers, detectors, data loggers and inspection cameras branded by PCE and other first-class manufacturers from around the globe.

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