Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

CL200: ExStik Chlorine Meter

Direct reading of Total Chlorine down to 0.01ppm

CL200 is an ExStik® Chlorine Meter. This revolutionary technique measures Direct Total Residual Chlorine from 0.01ppm to 10ppm. It makes non-subjective measurements unaffected by interferences associated with traditional colorimeters and spectrophotometers like sample color, turbidity, light, and pollutants. This product comes with an electrode, five packs of 10 reagent tablets (50 tests), a protective sensor cap, a sample cup with cap, four CR2032 batteries, and a 48” neck strap.

Specifications Range
Chlorine (ppm) 0.01 to 10.00ppm
Temperature 23° to 194°F (-5 to 90°C)
Max Resolution 0.01ppm; 0.1°F/°C;
Basic Accuracy ±10% of reading ±0.01ppm; ±1.8°F/±1°C
Memory 15 readings
Dimensions/ Weight 1.4×6.8×1.6″ (35.6×172.7×40.6mm)/ 3.85oz (110g)
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