Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

2100Q Portable Turbidimeter

The 2100Q portable turbidimeter has an innovative mode called Rapidly Settling Turbidity. This provides accurate measurements for difficult to measure, rapidly settling samples. An exclusive algorithm that calculates turbidity based on a series of automatic readings eliminates redundant measurements and estimating.

The 2100Q portable turbidimeter provides convenient data logging. Up to 500 measurements are automatically stored in the instrument for easy access and backup. Stored information includes: date and time, operator ID, reading mode, sample ID, sample number, units, calibration time, calibration status, error messages, and the result.

There is also the benefit of simple data transfer with a USB+Power Module. This does not require additional software and all data will transfer to the module in XML format. The data can be easily downloaded to your computer with a USB connection, providing superior data integrity and availability.

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