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Nutech 3000 Portable THC & NMHC Analyzer / Portable VOC Analyzer

Nutech 3000 Portable THC & NMHC Analyzer / Portable VOC Analyzer

The Nutech 3000 THC (Total Hydrocarbons) & NMHC (Non-Methane Hydrocarbons) Analyzer is suitable for portable monitoring of TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds), CH4 (Methane) and NMHC in stationary source emission and fence line.

Technica Data of Nutech 3000 THC & NMHC Analyzer

Test Method Catalytic Oxidation + Double FID
Measurement Range 0~10/100/1000/10000mg/m³ (Extendable)
Detection Limit ≤0.04mg/m³
Conversion Efficiency ≥95%
RSD ≤2%(CH4
Accuracy ±0.2%
Linear Error ±2%(CH4
Recovery Rate of Standard Addition ±20%
Analysis Time 1-999 seconds ajustable
Operating Environment DC24V or AC(220±10%)V/(50±2%) Hz, -20℃~50℃, <95%RH Operating Range
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