Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

Radon Scout Professional

A new detector technology defines a new level: outstanding sensitivity at dosimeter size.

The instrument will not be affected by any variation of temperature and humidity, external radiation, mechanical shock or vibration. Two AAA batteries are good for several months of autonomous operation.

These features as well as the additionally integrated sensors for temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and CO2 (both optional) are making the Radon Scout Professinal the very first choice for short and long term radon sampling, as well as for personal dosimetry. The fast and statistical accurate measurement allows—in combination with the optional switch output—the direct control of ventilation systems to maintain the statutory radon threshold.

The fast and statistical accurate measurement allows – in combination with the optional switch output – the direct control of ventilation systems to maintain the statutory Radon threshold.
Of course the instrument can be calibrated. All results are saved in the non-volatile memory and may be read through the USB interface. Only high quality components are used for the Radon Scout Professional which is manufactured at our company’s location in Dresden.

Factory calibration for Radon Scout Home is done for every device
Option: CO2 Sensor
The “Radon Scout Professional – CO2” is the perfect solution for indoor air quality monitoring. The instrument measures the dangerous rare gas Radon as well as CO2 – the most important indication for the air quality**).
Thus, the user can check whether the statutory limits*) for Radon are exceeded or not and at the other hand the instrument signalizes immediately when a room should be ventilated. To prevent mould formation, temperatureand humidity are additionally monitored.
Use the Radon Scout Home at home, in your office, in schools and everywhere you are to ensure a healthy environment. Place the unit as a smart clock on your desk.
Option: Pressure Sensor
The “Radon Scout Professional – P” is used for long-term monitoring of the legal reference value for the radon concentration in breathing air. The radon monitor was specially designed for homeowners as well as tenants, lessors and housing companies.

  • Clear display with yellow backlight
  • Humidity and temperature measurement
  • High quality housing
  • Battery and mains operation
  • USB interface
  • Factory Calibration
  • Time-resolved measurement
  • Large data storage
  • Can be used on workplaces and in living rooms
  • Professional Software Radon Vision
  • English as default language on display, spanish & german on your request
  • Factory calibration on request at additional costs.
  • Option: CO2-Sensor
  • Option: Pressure Sensor
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