Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

Radon Scout Home

The Radon Scout Home is used for long-term monitoring of the legal reference value for the radon concentration in breathing air. The device was specially designed for homeowners as well as tenants, lessors and housing companies.

The Radon Scout Home records the transient behaviour of the radon concentration over many years reliably, meaning that influences on weather conditions and seasonal changes are safely recorded. Sensors for temperature and humidity provide information about a healthy indoor climate. The measurement data can be read out at any time for preservation of evidence.

The instrument is manufactured and calibrated in our factory in Dresden/Germany. Calibration certificates are available on request and at additional cost.

Simple data Evaluation

The measurement data can be read out at any time with the Radon Vision application software and stored externally.
The Rooms presentation software enables real-time data display on the user’s own PC.

The Radon Scout Home Versions

The Radon Scout Home with pressure sensor and Radon Scout Home with CO2 sensor variants also have additional sensors that provide informative information on the quality of the indoor climate.

Pressure sensor
Compared to the normal Radon Scout Home an additional barometric pressure sensor is installed.

CO2 sensor
The device measures both radon and CO2 in the indoor air. It signals when the CO2 limit of 0.15% (1500ppm) applicable in Germany for living rooms is exceeded and the room should be ventilated.

Please note: During CO2 measurement, the device must be permanently connected to an external power source. Without this permanent power connection only radon, temperature and humidity will be measured.

All plus points of the Radon Scout Home at a glance

  • Clear text display with backlight
  • Radon, humidity and temperature measurement
  • High quality housing
  • Battery and mains operation
  • USB interface
  • Time resolved measurement
  • Large data memory
  • Can be used in workplaces and living rooms
  • Professional application software Radon Vision
  • Transfer of the measured values on the own computer to the larger representation with the help of the software Rooms
  • Measuring range: 0 – 10,000,000 Bq/m³
  • Language options of the LED display: German, English or Spanish
  • Optionally with CO2 sensor or air pressure sensor
  • Factory calibration with optional certificate at extra charge
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