Konsultasi Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (OHS) Perusahaan Distributor/Agen Peralatan Industrial Hygiene Lingkungan Food Safety & Hygiene Setifikasi Kompetensi Personil Lingkungan K3 Kalibrasi Instrument

Opacity Meter

Plant use, both portable and stationary way, with legs. 2 steps extensible, include Abney level Tripode and
cleanning lens set.
diameter ……………………….. 40 mm.
length overall ……………… 640 mm.

The methods in measuring the density of smoke in brief are:

  1. With eyesight
    To measure the density of smoke in accordance with uniformed diagram.
    To measure the alteration of ray from source of light through the gas exhausted.
  2. Physical way
    To weight the solid substances in a certain volume of exhausted gas. And in the medium or smaller
    plants, measurement of the density of smoke relies upon the Ringelman way, which is the standard in
    regulating the smoke in many of the countries.
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